Junior Member
and 2nd Claim
Non ride/Social Membership
Member Benefits
Taster rides
As a prospective member, you can join 3 rides to get a feel for the club before having to pay for membership.
You will have access to our Strava club and Whatsapp groups, these are great for advice, finding out what’s going on or just bike related chat. During the year we will also have social events, these range from just a local pub meetup for a chat and a drink, our awards evening, meals out or days out to bike parks and velodrome.
Organised Rides
Throughout the year, the club will be offering organised rides in the local area, both on and off road. Some of these will be training rides, social rides, we also have weekly group zwift rides in the winter. Our rides are issued via the WhatsApp groups, but also where we can, on our Facebook page
Member Discounts
The club has secured discounts at local business for its members, head over to the members area for more details.
Join Us
Our Membership year runs from 1st November to the 31st October.
If you would like to become a member of Harlow Cycling Club please complete our online membership form below, or download our membership form here, complete and either return by e-mail to membership@harlowcc.club or drop it into Lee Valley Cycles @ The Stow.
Payment can be made by cash or by bank transfer to our account.
Harlow Cycling Club Sort code: 60-10-05 Account: 87398621
Please use your name as a reference when paying by bank transfer.
Membership Form
Harlow Cycling Club Membership Application
Applications for membership are subject to confirmation by the HCC Committee or at a General Meeting of the Club.
Membership Fees
For 2022/23 the full subscription fee is Full Member £20, Junior Member and 2nd Claim £10, Family Member £40, Non Ride/Social Membership £5.
Annual subscriptions for Harlow Cycling Club are due on the 1st of November each year. Prompt renewal is appreciated so that the necessary administration can be completed as soon as possible.
Third party insurance is a requirement for membership. Members can be covered by the individual and/or independent membership of British Cycling or the CTC.